< Hi, I am />

Priyanshu Kaushal


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About Me

I'm a Developer from INDIA . I'm an open-source enthusiast & a quick learner. I love to contribute to Open Source Projects and Communities.
I am keen and very willing to learn and develop new skills. Seeking a challenging position in a growth-oriented environment where I can expand and utilize my learning and skills so that I can contribute towards organizational goals and establish a career for myself.

Postman Student Expert

Awarded:Aug 13, 2021

Tech I'm familiar With












MERN Stack

Web-app suggests the user about the projects they can create based on their skills. And Show Case in HackOn Hackathon 2.0. Worked as Front-end in Team. Tech Stack- React, Elastic Search, Magic for auth.



MERN Stack | API

This Project Aim to encourage people to show case there Project whether small or Big. Also help to start Open-Source Journey


Instagram Automation


Created script using Node.js and Puppeteer to automate Instagram. Which Helps to like Multiple posts in Single Tap.


Quiz CLI

NodeJS | CLI

Quiz Question Is related To The Avengers Movie and Higher Score will be Mentioned In Leader Board. Learned About NodeJS

My Work Experience and Achievements

  • Data Science Analyst


    ● Collaborating with the 10+ In-flight Analyst Team, to achieve optimal automation percentage for DMS, delivering value to clients like Kraft NA, Novartis, and Post Brands.
    ● This included completing 4 CPG NA segment projects, participating in pre-preparation, and shadowing best automation practices for a smooth go-live.
    ● Incorporated automated analysis, including trended analysis, to analyze deduction root causes, pinpoint process improvement opportunities, and execute data-driven action plans with the Project Team and derived automation up to 80%.

    Jun 2022- Present

  • Data Analyst Intern


    ● Experienced in utilizing Highradius deduction management software to streamline deduction resolution processes, automate manual tasks, and enable deduction analysts to prioritize higher-level activities.,/br> ● Contributed as a Data Analyst With the 5+ ML team. We are responsible for refactoring algorithms according to client data and optimizing them to achieve 90% results.
    ● Created a Web-App during training to predict client payment dates for newly created invoices with 80% accuracy. Utilized tools like Pandas, Excel, Python, MySQL, JavaScript, and Restful API.

    Jun 2021- Jun 2022

  • Full Stack Developer Summer Internship


    I was involved in building and deploying an AI-enabled B2B Fintech cloud application. During this project, I gained a deep understanding of all aspects of product development by identifying user requirements, designing a great user experience, and building appropriate data models. I used technologies such as Java, JDBC, HTML, CSS, JSP/Servlets, and JavaScript to create a full-stack web-based product. Additionally, I built a Receivables Dashboard.
    ● Visualize Data in the form of a table.
    ● Perform Searching operations on the invoices.
    ● Modify data in the editable fields of the grid.

    May 2021- Jun 2021

  • Web-Developer

    Divergent Infoconnect

    ➔ Developed Company Website & Deployed on server, Worked on more 2 project i.e Portfolio, Divergentlly.
    ➔ Also launched New service i.e Web development service. Learned new technology like CMS (WordPress), Web Scraping, Hosting Website

    Oct 2020- April 2021

  • WordPress Developer


    ➔ I Worked with the CEO & developer team and got an opportunity to help new Interns.
    ➔ Worked on a new Business Idea i.e Become A Psychometric Partner & Earn With CareerGuide .

    Oct 2020 - Nov 2020

  • Participant

    Script Winter of Code (SWOC)

    ➔ Contributed and Collaborated in OpenSource Projects Amazing-Python-Scripts, Awesome Portfolio Websites, Idea Lab.

    Jan 2021 - Mar 2021

HackOn Hackathon 2.0 |May 2021

Best Hack Built On Elastic : Project Zone by theCuriousMinds in HackOn Hackathon 2.0

Crio.do |May 2021

Top 10 Performer in Crio.do over 3K+ developers Projects edition of #IBelieveinDoing

Game of Source |October 2020

3rd Runner Up in GeeksforGeeks Student Chapter Game of Source, OpenSource Competition.


Internship Certificate

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